CROSSOVER HOOPS is committed to providing structured,
organized,and professionally run basketball venues that cater to all age groups wanting to compete at a higher level and beyond;
while always promoting good sportmanship,citizenship and respect for others.
To promote,host and offer quality tournaments,leagues and camps for all age groups striving to reach the next level; and contribute to the overall development of every youth that comes into contact with CROSSOVER HOOPS.

The National High School Federation Rules & Regulations will apply to the Crossover Hoops Nationals with the following exceptions:
1. All games will be played as follows:
Grades 8th and up will play two 16-minute halves (Stop clock).
Grades 7th and below will play two 14-minute halves (Stop Clock).
2. Basketball Specifications:
Boys: 6th Grade & Below/28.5″ (Official Size)
Boys: 7th Grade & Up/29.5″ (Official Size)
Girls: 4th Grade & Up/28.5″ (Official Size)
3. Pre-game warm-ups will be 3 minutes. Half-time will be 3 minutes. Times may be adjusted at the discretion of the site director. No games will start before their scheduled time unless agreed to by both coaches.
4. Five (5) personal fouls per player.
5. 1-1 will be assessed on 10th foul; Double bonus on the 13th foul.
6. A total of two (2) 30-second and two (2) Full timeouts per game. One (1) additional time-out per team will be awarded for each overtime period. Regulation timeouts WILL NOT carry over to overtime; and/or from overtime to overtime.
7. Two (2) technical fouls assessed during a game on any player, coach, or team representative will result in their disqualification of the present game and the next game of the tournament.
8. Only 12 players and two (2) Coaches per team registration allowed on the bench. Tournament provided lanyards and/or wristbands WILL BE WORN during the tournament at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS!
9. A designated representative from the home team will be required to assist in keeping the scorebook. CHN will attempt to provide clock operators at all tournaments, but in the event that a CHN representative is unavailable, the visiting team will be responsible for providing a clock operator. The scorekeeper & clock operator must be 18 years old or older.
10. Each team is responsible for providing their own equipment for games (i.e. basketballs, water bottles, etc.). CHN will provide all game balls. CHN is NOT responsible for lost or misplaced items.
11. A player MUST participate in at least one pool play game to be eligible to play in bracket play.
12. No Co-Ed Teams (i.e., each team is gender specific)
13. All overtimes will be two (2) minutes. Only one (1) timeout will be issued for each overtime; timeouts DO NOT carry over.
14. Mercy Rule: If at any time during the second half of the game a team establishes a 20-point lead, the clock will continue to run with the exception of timeouts and free throws. If the 20-point lead is reduced to less than 15 points, normal clock operation will resume.
15. Boys Division: Four (4) games guaranteed. Pool to bracket play.
16. Girls Division: Three (3) games guaranteed. Pool to bracket play.
Note: If players/coaches leave the bench at any time during an altercation, CHN reserves the right to dismiss that team for the remainder of that game and/or tournament.
1. Boys and Girls must participate at present grade level. (See Eligibility)
2. Proof of grade (on a 2024-2025 report card and/or school-issued ID with photo) is required for the CHN National Tournament. (Items to be furnished upon request):
– Current 2024-2025 report card (Must Indicate grade)
– Current 2024-2025 school identification (Must have photo & grade)
Note: Teams are required to have proof of grade in their possession during Nationals. Site Director may request verification of a players (Grade) prior to a game, and half-time only. Any player that does not have verification of grade, upon request, will NOT be allowed to play until the paperwork is presented and approved by the site director. Reclassified players permitted.
3. Players may play up, but not down, and can only be rostered on one team during the 2025 Nationals.
4. A player MUST participate in at least one pool play game to be eligible to play in bracket play.
5. No additional players will be added to a team roster after the beginning of a team’s first game.
6. Only the opposing head coach is allowed to challenge the legitimacy or eligibility of an opposing team’s player. Fans, parents, and assistant coaches are not allowed to make an official challenge. All and any questions regarding a team’s roster must be presented 30 minutes prior to the game in question.
7. If a challenge is un-sustained, the challenging team will be assessed a technical foul and lose a timeout.
8. If a challenge is sustained and the player in question is found ineligible, the assigned team will be assessed a technical foul.
9. Players who are found to be ineligible will be prohibited from participating in the remainder of the CHN Tournament.
10. Any team violating roster or team rules will be ineligible and suspended from their next tournament game. (Site Director will make any and all final decisions).
11. Only 2 coaches per team allowed on team bench during games. All scorekeepers, videographers, etc., must pay for additional wristbands and are not allowed to sit on the bench.
Note: A player CANNOT be on multiple rosters or play on multiple teams during the National Tournament (Regardless if teams are in the same organization).
1. Only schedule request that will be honored will be for coaches coaching multiple teams. All request are to be submitted to info@crossoverhoopsinc.com
2. All coaches are required to download the Crossover Hoops Inc. App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for games, times, dates and gym locations. No schedule updates will be addressed via telephone.
1. Home team wears a white uniform and/or its equivalent (Lighter colors). Second team listed on exposureevent.com is the home team.
2. Home team bench will be seated to the left of the scores table.
3. The home team will provide official bookkeeper. (Upon request)
4. Pre-game warm-up and halftime will be 3 minutes. The site director may make adjustments when deemed necessary.
1. In a situation where (2) two teams are tied, head to head competition will determine the winner. If the (2) teams did not play each other, then the point differential system will be used with 15-points being the maximum.
2. If more than (2) two teams tie, a point differential tie-breaker will be applied to pool games (15-point maximum). Teams are then ranked according to the sum of the point differential with the highest number placing first and so on. The maximum advantage is 15 points.
3. If more than two teams are still tied after the application of the “point differential formula”, the higher seed is rewarded to the team with the most points scored.
4. If more than (2) teams are still tied after the “points scored against” formula has been applied, revert back to head to head if they played. If teams did not play, then the exact point differential will be used.
5. The score for all forfeits shall be 15-0 in favor of the non-forfeiting team.
6. In the event that all the aforementioned options have been exhausted, an old fashion coin toss will determine the winner. The team closest geographically to the tournament location will be considered heads.
1. Each team must have either a reversible jersey and/or have both a light and dark set of uniforms.
2. It is required that all uniforms have a 4” inch number on the front of the uniform and an 8” number on the back of the jersey
All coaches, including assistant coaches, are required to wear long pants or nice golf type shorts, and a collared shirt. Shoes must include either tennis shoes or dress shoes.
Absolutely no jeans, cut-offs, tank tops, baseball caps, skull caps, beachwear, or sweat suits. No open shoes, sandals, flip-flops, etc. will be allowed.
Any coach NOT observing this rule will not be allowed to remain on the bench.
Depending on participation, CHN holds the right to field as many divisions deemed necessary to accommodate participating teams.
Based on participation, some divisions may be combined.
1. If a team forfeits one (1) game during pool play, the team CANNOT advance from pool play.
2. CHN will allow a ten (10) minute grace period for tardiness. After the ten (10) minute grace period, the site director reserves the right to forfeit the game at a score of 15-0.
3. If a referee or tournament director has to cancel any game due to verbal misconduct, fighting, or inappropriate behavior, the team at fault will be issued a loss.
* In the event there is a forfeit, by either the home team or away team, there will be NO refunds issued of any kind (i.e., to parents, family, guest, etc.) No Exceptions!
Any team that withdraws from the tournament AFTER June 1, 2025, forfeits their complete team
registration fee. NO REFUNDS!
Any team that withdraws PRIOR to May 31, 2025 will receive the remaining balance of the initial team fee, after the deduction of a $100.00 processing fee.
For all refund request and inquiries, please contact Steven Tracey via email at stracey@crossoverhoopsinc.com
Check List Items are the following:
Teams will attend and participate in all assigned games.
Teams will attend the team check-in/registration session. (Friday, July 11, 2025 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
Teams will ensure no property damage or vandalism to tournament facilities (i.e., Gymnasiums, Bathrooms, etc.)
1. Coaches and Team Directors are responsible for the actions of their players, assistant coaches, staff, parents, and fans. Any misconduct on and off the court will result in the immediate dismissal and/or disqualification from the CHN tournament. The tournament site director will have the final authority to remove or disqualify any player and/or team.
Note: In the event of a disqualification of a player or Team, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GRANTED. No Exceptions!
2. Any misconduct or inappropriate behavior during a CHN tournament, either on or off the court, will be the responsibility of the director and/or head coach of the team. This includes and is not limited to any misconduct at any CHN facilities and/or its partners (i.e., hotels, restaurants, etc.) that are affiliated with the CHN during the tournament.
3. Any player who is ejected or disqualified, for reasons other than fouling out, will have to sit out the next game of that tournament. A coach who has been ejected by the officials will have to sit out the next game. NO EXCEPTIONS!
4. In the event that a game is forfeited/ended/stopped due to fighting, shoving, profanity, and/or disruptive behavior by players, coaches, spectators, guest, and/or family associates, the team leading at the time will be assessed the win. If the incident can be clearly assessed and determined who is at fault, the forfeit results will be at the discretion of the tournament director.
Crossover Hoops Inc. and/or its subsidiary Crossover Hoops Nationals is NOT responsible for any lost and/or stolen items taken during the Crossover Hoops National Tournament.
Crossover Hoops Inc. reserves the right to modify and/or adjust a rule(s) to ensure the flow, safety and efficiency of the tournament(s).