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1.  Coaches are responsible for the behaviour and conduct of their players, coaches, fans, spectators, parents, and/or family members associated with their team.


2.  Any player, coach, fan, spectator, parent, and/or family member exhibiting behaviour that is deemed to be disruptive to the event and/or the competition will be immediately removed from the event and banned from all competition venues.  At the sole discretion of Crossover Hoops Inc. disruptive behaviour from any player, coach, fan, spectator, parent, and/or family member may result in disqualification of the team or teams associated with said player, coach, fan, spectator, parent, and/or family member.  It is the responsibility of each team to ensure that those in their travel party are aware of the standards, rules and code of conduct for the Crossover Hoops Inc. event.  No refund will be provided to any person that is ejected from any event.


3.  Crossover Hoops Inc. has a zero tolerance policy in reference to fighting and any acts of violence.  Any player or team personnel committing an act of violence or receiving a technical foul for fighting will be ejected from the game and disqualified for the remainder of the tournament.  Ejected players/team personnel will be required to immediately leave the tournament venue and, if circumstances warrant, will be remanded to local law enforcement authorities.  Any player/team personnel ejected under these circumstances will be permanently banned from all tournament venues and from participation in any future Crossover Hoops Inc. event.  Further, at the discretion of the tournament director, a single act of violence committed by an individual player or team personnel member may result in immediate disqualification and dismissal of the entire team from any further competition in the current Crossover Hoops Inc. event and/or any future events.


4.  Crossover Hoops Inc. has a zero tolerance policy in reference to drug and alcohol use in or around any event.  Any person/persons found to be in violation of this policy will be immediately removed from the event and banned from all competition venues and future events. If the situation warrants, those find in violation of this policy will be remanded to local law enforcement authorities.





Crossover Hoops Inc.

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